
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Strawberry Shortcake on Homemade Sponge Cake with Whipped Cream

When I think of Spring and food. I think of strawberries. Spring will be here one day, but the Strawberries are here already, Yay!  I love, love, love them, and they are my faovrite fruit.  I am basically a purist when it comes to strawberries. Just give me a bowl of sliced, juicy, strawberries, and I'm good to go .I usually don't even add sugar to the berries.  I do add them to my oatmeal, salalds, yogurt, on top of peanut butter and English muffins, and add them to drinks, too.  I could eat them morning, noon, and night, and I do.

My granddaughter loves strawberries, too, so I made homemade Sponge Cake with strawberries and whipped cream for her, when she was visiting.  if you have ever bought those little "dessert shells" in the the grocery store, there is no comparison to homemade Sponge Cake.  I had never made Sponge Cake before, but it is pretty easy. I doubled the recipe and got six Mini shortcakes, plus a couple of cupcakes.  The yield depends upon the size of your mini bundt pan molds.  I used my mini bundt pan, but whatever pan you use, spray or butter generously.  My pans are non-stick, but the manufacturer recommends greasing.  The mini buntdt pans were perfect for the shortcake, and make a nice presentation. The little cakes are soft and springy, to absorb all of the yummy juices. I ususally gently mash the strawberries to release the juices, and maybe just a a little of sprinkle of sugar, if the berries aren't that sweet.  I'm a purist remember?  I even made fresh whipped cream, no cool whip for us strawberry lovers.  These little cakes were wonderful, and we savored every bite. Enjoy!

Mini Sponge Cake Shortcakes Adapted from The Prepared Pantry
Yield: 6 mini shortcakes (I doubled the recipe)

1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 large egg
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup milk
1 tablespoon butter


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray oil into the cavities of a mini-bundt cake pan and lightly dust them with flour.

1. Whisk the flour, baking powder and salt together in a medium bowl. Set aside.
2. Beat the egg until it is lemon colored and thick, about three minutes, with electric mixer.
3. Add the sugar gradually and beat for another three minutes. The sugar should be dissolved. Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and stir until just combined.
4. Heat the milk and butter until the butter is melted. Stir this butter mixture into above the batter until smooth. The batter will be thick.
5. Spoon evenly into mini bundt pans and smooth the tops with the back of a spoon.  Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until tops spring back when touched.

Cool for 5 minutes before carefully removing from pans.
Serve with berries and whipped cream

Fresh Whipped Cream

8 oz heavy whipping cream, chilled
1 Tbsp sugar
1 /2 tsp vanilla

Chill bowl and whisk attachment or beaters in freezer for 10 minutes.  Combine all ingredients in bowl until soft peaks form, 2-3 minutes.  Do not over beat, or you will end up with butter.  Serve immediately, or cover and use with a couple of hours.  Re-whisk to freshen.

To Assemble:
Place sliced fresh, cleaned,  berries, sweetened to taste, in a bowl, and lightly mash with a fork to release the juices.  Spoon fresh strawberries and juice over sponge cakes.  Top with fresh whipped cream.

I linked up my recipe to Brandie's The Country Cook's Weekend Potluck #112 



  1. This is my dad's all time favorite dessert. We used to make it for him for breakfast each father's day! I'll be making a batch for Ryan this year!

    1. Monet,
      This is such an easy recipe to make, and tastes so much better than store bought.Hope that Ryan enjoys it.

  2. These shortcakes look so delicious and beautiful! Really great dessert for spring and strawberry season!

  3. Medja,
    These are yummy shortcakes, and easy to make. It might be Sprin on the calendar, but we don't have Spring weather yet.

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