
Friday, November 15, 2013

Roasted Butternut Squash, Turkey Bacon, and Walnuts on Linguine

One of the things I love best about Fall is the Fall Squashes that are available;  pumpkins, butternut, and acorn. to name a few. I love the vibrant colors of their flesh  We have made beef stew in a pumpkin, had numerous roasted acorn squash, made soup with then, and now we have put them on pasta.

We had a Butternut squash that was a double, like twin squashes on the vine. I wish that I had taken a picture of it. The double squash was huge, and we only roasted one half to go with our meatloaf dinner. The other half we were going to roast to use on the pasta.

This recipe is wonderful with the roasted butter nut squash, onions, turkey  bacon, garlic, and toasted walnuts, topped with the shaved Parmesan cheese.If you son't have any health concerns, you could use regular bacon or pancetta.  Roasting the vegetables caramelizes them, and gives them a richer, deeper flavor.  I actually cooked the bacon along side the peeled, diced squash, onions and garlic.  The turkey bacon package said to cook in 400 degree oven for 15 min., until crisp, and it turned out perfectly. I just had foil on the cookie sheet, and there was very little grease. Actually the hardest part of the recipe is peeling the squash, but  I have a tip to do that in the recipe.

After the squash, onions, garlic, and bacon are cooked, toss with the rubbed sage or fresh, chopped sage leaves.  This time I didn't have the fresh sage leaves, so I used the dry rubbed sage, which was fine. the vegetables and bacon cool a bit with sage. This is a very easy recipe to make vegetarian, just omit the turkey bacon, and use vegetable stock.

Then you cook the pasta of your choice to al dente, firm to the teeth. I used Linguine, which is my Hubby's favorite Drain the pasta, do not rinse.  Remember to save about 1c of pasta water to mix with the squash, to prevent the pasta from getting sticky. Add a little chicken or vegetable stock, if needed. Mix pasta and vegetables in large bowl.  Top with Parmesan cheese, and toasted walnuts. Enjoy! 

  Roasted Butternut Squash, Turkey Bacon, and Walnuts on Linguine
I adapted this recipe from Seth Roth and Bryan Devlin at

  • 1 pound , or your favorite pasta I used whole wheat Farfalle
  • 1 large butternut squash
  • 2 medium onions, quartered 
  • 3 slice, of turkey bacon, cooked 
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh sage, or 1Tbsp dried, rubbed Sage
  •  3 cloves Garlic
  • 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1/4-1/2  c. chicken or vegetable stock
  • 1/2 c. toasted walnuts
 *** Tip for peeling Squash***
Put squash in microwave for about 4 min. to facilitate peeling.  Once out of the microwave, the squash should be easy to peel with a vegetable peeler or knife.

Dice the squash into half inch cubes,. quarter onions, and peel garlic Place vegetables, garlic, and bacon  in 400 degree oven on baking sheet covered with foil and sprayed or greased, drizzle with olive oil,  and roast until soft. Roasting time will vary from 15 to 25 minutes, depending on the age of the squash. Remove from the oven and toss the squash, onions, and garlic with the chopped sage to infuse the flavor.Chop bacon in small pieces and add to vegetable sage mix.

To toast walnuts, place in small frying pan with no oil, and heat over medium heats for a few minutes until nuts are lightly browned.  Be careful, because they can burn easily.

In a large pot, bring water to a boil and add the pasta. Cook until the pasta is al dente . Drain the pasta, then toss with the squash, onions,  garlic, turkey bacon,  Parmesan cheese, and nuts.  (If the pasta seems too dry, toss with a little chicken or vegetable stock, or a bit of the pasta water.) Garnish with Parmesan cheese and toasted walnuts.

l linked up my recipe to Brandie@The Country Cook's Weekend Potluck #93
 Stop by and say Hi to Brandie



  1. Becky, this butternut squash pasta dish looks superb. Thank you for the tip on peeling the squash. So good to have another seasonal recipe!

  2. Brooks,
    Thank you! This squash dish is so flavorful, as well as colorful, with the turkey bacon, walnuts, and sage.

  3. What a delicious fall squash recipe! I can't wait to give this a try Becky! It seems so warm and inviting.

    1. Monet,
      If you like butternut squash, you'll love this dish, especially with the bacon and walnuts.

  4. Skema makan dapat jadi fakta bulu mata tipis. Bersamaan pertambahan usia, kekuatan bulu mata untuk kembali lagi tumbuh menyusut. Oleh karena itu, konsumsilah makanan yang kaya vitamin, mineral, serta anti oksidan untuk melawan bulu mata tipis.

    Jadi itulah beberapa hal yang harus kaum wanita hindari agar mencegah bulu mata menjadi tipis. Nah , buat kalian yang ingin menggunakan masker wajah. Kami juga akan memberikan beberapa tips yang tidak boleh kalian gunakan sebagai media masker. Dan dibawah ini akan kami jelaskan beberapa jenis bahan alami yang tidak diperboleh kan untuk jadikan masker.

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