
Monday, May 13, 2013

Fight Back Brownies a.k.a. Hershey's Syrup Brownies, and the Relay for Life 2013

 The Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society is June 21-22nd. Once again, I am Team Captain for my Team, Life's a Beach.  Last year I learned that two friends of mine were both diagnosed with malignant Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, the same type of cancer that I was diagnosed with 17 yrs. ago. Two friends in one day diagnosed with the same type of cancer, unbelievable.
This year, the Relay is in honor of my husband, Scott, who has been diagnosed with a Pituitary tumor. The tumor is slow growing, and the Dr. thinks that the tumor is probably benign, but they won’t know for sure, until his Neurosurgery June 18th. We have been going through all of the angst and uncertainty with the diagnosis of a tumor, besides trying to navigate the medical network. This is why I Relay, to do my part, to help raise money to find a cure for cancer. I have already lost friends and family to this terrible disease and my list is ever growing with the people fighting the fight of their life. 

I'm sure that you know a friend or family member that had been affected by cancer. A Relay for Life is is a life changing event to Celebrate the life you have,  Remember those that have lost their fight, and Fight Back to beat cancer.

Please, support me in my efforts by clicking on the badge above to visit my personal web page and make a donation. Every dollar raised brings us one step closer to a cure and to a world where the people we love never have to hear the words, “You have cancer.”  Thank you so much for your support. Together, we ARE saving lives and creating a world with more birthdays!

Relay for Life 2012
My team will be selling these Fight Back Brownies to raise additional monies for the American Cancer Society. These brownies are so good, and only have five ingredients, flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and chocolate syrup. The frosting is so good and tastes like melted ice cream. You can put it on the brownies right out of the oven, so you make bake, and frost the beauties in 25 min.  Quick and Easy, and yummy!  They also taste great with the powdered sugar.

Fight Back (Hershey's Syrup) Brownies  Preheat oven to 400 Degrees F

1 stick 1/2 c , unsalted butter, room temp
1 cup sugar
16 oz chocolate syrup
4 eggs
1 1/4 c flour
1 tsp vanilla

Grease a 15x10x1 pan.  Cream butter and sugar, until light and fluffy.  Beat in chocolate syrup, eggs, and vanilla, mix well. Add flour.  Mix well.  Pour batter, which will be thin, in prepared pan. Bake 17-20 min.
Remove from oven.
As the cake is baking, prepare the frosting, which you can put on the cake right out of the oven.  The frosting tastes like melted  ice cream.  Are you with me?

Chocolate Frosting

1/4 cup cocoa
5 Tbsp butter
5 tbsp milk
21/2 -3 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Put powdered sugar in a large mixing bowl.  In a small sauce pan combine. butter cocoa, and milk Heat until mixtures comes to just a boil, stirring constantly. Be careful not to let it scorch. Pour mixture over powdered sugar and beat until smooth with an electric mixer. Spread warm frosting over warm brownies and you have heaven.  These brownies are so moist, and keep well, if they aren't eaten first.  They are very addictive and     They freeze well.

I linked up my recipe to Brandie@The Country Cook's Weekend Potluck #68
 Stop by and say Hi to Brandie!  She chose these brownies as her personal favorite!!!!



  1. Dang those look delicious! Definitely going to give these a try :)

    Happy Blogging!
    Happy Valley Chow

    1. Eric,
      These brownies are so easy and quick to make, and are over the top, rich and fudgy. Let me know how you liked them:)

  2. Oh Becky - I'm so sorry you've had all this to deal with. These brownies are indeed a perfect way to fight back!!
    Mary x

    1. Mary,
      Thank you for your concern. Hopefully all of this will be behind us soon. My Relay team sells these brownies the night of the relay.

  3. Such a great cause-I'm so sorry for all you're having to deal with. These brownies look incredible and are the perfect way to fight back!

    1. Kayle,
      The American Cancer Societyis a great cause for everyone. We just want all of this behind us. Eating fight Back Brownies will help:)

  4. Glad you are involved in such a great cause.. We have been involved in our cities Relay for the last 4 years.. We really enjoy helping plan the event!!!!!

    1. The Relay for Life is a great event, and can be life changing for cancer survivors. I have been involved with the Relay for 10 yrs.

  5. That is fantastic that you were involved in such a brilliant cause my friend good work :)
    Your brownies also look fantastic!

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. Uru,
      I certainly have a passion for the Relay for Life and fighting cancer. and besides then, I can eat these incredible brownies.

  6. So glad you are able to do the relay again this year with everything you have going on. Hopefully your friends will be okay like you and Scott will be on the upside of things again. Love the brownies you will be serving.

    1. Gina,
      Thank you for your well wishes. We appreciate them so much. These brownies are awesome.

  7. Great cause and great brownies! I admire your strength, Becky, you are such a wonderful woman!

    1. Medeja,
      Thank you for your kind words. i try to do the best that I can.

  8. From Elizabeth:

    Becky you are such a strong woman. You are a wonderful person to do all you can for cancer research and continue with your own problems. What strength you have and you are an inspiration for all of us. Becky, in the frosting recipe I noticed that vanilla was listed but not mentioned in the directions. I would like to make these delicious brownies but thought I better check first.

  9. I'm sorry you both have to go through this. Prayers that the tumor is benign. xo
