
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Vegan Ginger Orange Cookies

Believe it or not, I have never made Ginger Cookies, let alone Vegan Ginger cookies, until yesterday.  I never put ginger and nutmeg in my pumpkin pie either.  I never really liked ginger, until this year.  I don't know why, but now I love ginger in baked goods. I still put cinnamon in many things I bake and eat, but now I can add ginger, and make ginger cookies.  I still don't like ginger in stir frys or Asian food, though.

As I looked for recipes for Ginger cookies, I ran across Kathy@ Healthy Happy Life and her Molasses Ginger Cookies! Vegan Recipes.  Immediately, I was inspired, that I could make these for Christmas Eve with the vegan side of the family.  These cookies are wonderful, chewy, not crisp, and full of the flavors of ginger, molasses, and cinnamon. I used 1 tsp of ginger instead of 1 Tbsp. ginger,and I didn't use the fresh ground ginger, either. I also added the zest of 1 orange, for a hint of orange flavor, and rolled the cookies in sparkling sugar.

The cookies firm up after they cool, and they smell so full of spice, just like Christmas. I probably will have to make another batch, if my husband finds them.  How many of you have secret hiding places for all of your baked goods?  I do! I also make little signs, just like I had to do, when my kids were little, "Eat, and you die!" Excuse me, while I finish my cookie, that I had to eat for "research purposes." I don't want to get crumbs in the keyboard;)
 Even if you aren't vegan, you will not be disappointed, if you make these cookies. Enjoy!


  1. Look at you Becky, vegan and ginger. I love the crunch that sparkling sugar adds too. I've made 3 batches of ginger cookies already and am ready or number 4. Ginger is powerful and it's perfectly fine to dial it down so you enjoy it. Happy Wednesday.

  2. Gina-When you eat these vegan cookies, you can't even tell the difference. They smell so good. I'll be making another batch soon;) Happy Wednesday to you, too.

  3. Ha-my mother to this day has secret hiding places for food! The last ginger cookie I made was way to strong and very flat. The crackly texture and height on your cookies does make me want to try them-yum! Have a great day.

  4. Tina- The only problem with hiding places is that you have to remember where you put them:) These cookies are like fluffy pillows of ginger, and there are no eggs in the recipe.

  5. Becky-these cookies remind me of Lora's Ginger sugar cookies that she made last week, except hers wasn't vegan.
    Your cookies look incredible, and perfect. Love the photos, as well! Great job...way to go, Becky!

  6. I'm so glad that you have finally embraced ginger! I can't imagine being without it (I think I have at least 4 forms of it in the kitchen right now). :)

    These cookies look fantastic. Look at you cooking vegan goods!

  7. Elisabeth-I saw Lora's wonderful Ginger Cookies, but then I saw this vegan recipe, and thought I had to try them for the vegan side of the family. I was pleased the way that they turned out.

    Christiane-these ginger cookies are good, but I didn't make them, too gingery. I might even try gingerbread, gasp!

  8. Ginger cookies are one of my all-time favorites! I just love the way they make your house smell when you're baking them. And they're so good with a little bit of pumpkin dip...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Jen-This is the first year that I have made Ginger cookies, but they just might be my new favorite cookie. I just didn't know, what I had been missing all of these years.

  11. Ginger and orange? MMMMmmmmm....these sound fabulous, Becky!!! And I love the sparkle of the sugar!

  12. Lizzy- Yes, ginger and orange go well together, and these cookies smell as good as they taste.

  13. Funny, Becky, it took me a long time to like ginger too. But in the past 5 years, I've developed quite a taste for it. Beautiful cookies!

  14. Carolyn,
    Thank you for your sweet comments. I appreciate them so much.
