
Friday, November 11, 2011

Mini Pear Banana Muffins

When I went to see my Dad on his birthday,  Wednesday, I also made these Pear Banana Muffins for the staff, as well as the Pumpkin Cranberry Bars. These muffins were a hit, as well as the bars. I had some ripe pears and ripe bananas, so I found a recipe and made them.  They were so moist and flavorful with the ripe fruit, a tasty morsel. This is a very versatile recipe, because you can use white or brown sugar, white or whole wheat flour, and add chopped nuts, if you wish.  I didn't add the nuts. I used brown sugar, half white and half whole wheat flour. My husband said that they could have been sweeter.  If you aren't watching your carbs, you can add a bit sugar.

I was in a hurry when I made the muffins, so I used the cupcake liners for the muffin pan, and I didn't have time to spray the pan. However, almost half of the muffin stuck to the paper. Next time I will spray the pan. Do yo have trouble with the cupcakes or muffins sticking to the liners? 

Here are some birthday pics of my Dad in his new Northern Illinois Univ, Huskie sweatshirt. He has lived in DeKalb, IL, home of NIU, for over 65 years. I am a proud alum of NIU, as well as my son Chris and his wife, Emily.  My Dad used to go to all of NIU's football and basketball games, and gave me my love of sports. Go Huskies!
Dad & Me
This picture says it all, simple pleasures, when you are 92!
Dad with Mickey D's coffeee
Now for the yummy recipe!

Pear Banana Muffins   Adapted from
  • 2-3 large very ripe bananas
  • 1/2 cup sugar, white or brown
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2-4 Tbsp. canola or olive oil
  • 1 tsp. vanilla (if you have it) I added 1tsp cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, or half all-purpose and half whole wheat
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • pinch salt
  • 1 ripe pear, finely chopped 

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

 In a medium bowl, mash together the bananas, sugar, eggs, oil and vanilla with a potato masher or spatula until blended and the bananas are well mashed

Add the flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt, and stir just until the batter starts coming together; add the chopped pear, and stir just until combined.  Do not over mix, or your muffins will be tough.  
Spoon the batter into muffin tins that are lined with paper liners or sprayed with nonstick spray, filling them about 3/4 full. If you like, sprinkle the tops with coarse sugar. Bake for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of your muffins, until golden and the tops are springy to the touch.

Makes 6 jumbo, 10-12 regular muffins, or 24 mini muffins  Enjoy!


  1. The blend of fruit in these is unique and no doubt delicious. Nice of you to treat the staff to your goodies. Love that picture, looks like he is raising that mug to say here's to another year! Have a great weekend.

  2. Tina-These muffins are good! Anything mixed with banana is fine with me. He loves that coffee:)

  3. Happy belated birthday to your dad. Both the cranberry bliss bars and muffins look great.
    I love pears but they never last around to make them into desserts.

  4. Roxana- Thank you for the belated birthday wishes for my Dad. I usually have that problem with bananas. If I want to make something with bananas, i have to buy extra. Our dog loves bananas, so they don't last long.

  5. I never thought of combining pears and bananas, but I'm certain they make an amazing muffin! Your dad is so cute...belated birthday wishes to him!

  6. Becky-you're such a generous and caring person, with everyone, and it shows in your comfort baking!
    Love the pear-banana muffins. I will certainly want to make the combination.
    Your dad is so sweet, I hope he enjoyed his birthday. So nice that you could be there for him to celebrate it!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  7. I'm so behind with everyone, has been keeping me busy 50 +hours/6 days a week the past few weeks! You Dad has a sweet smile...hope he had a wonderful birthday. The muffins sound like a great combo of flavors...

  8. Lizzy- Thank you for the belated bday wishes for my Dad. The muffins are good.

    Elisabeth-My dad did have a nice, simple birthday. I think that he really liked the coffee the best.

    Wendy-I hope that your work schedule gets better. Everybody at the nursing home loves him, and that is a blessing.

  9. Happy birthday to your sweet dad! What a precious man (and a precious daughter). Thank you for sharing these delicious muffins, sweet friend. I hope you are having a great week.
