
Friday, September 16, 2011

Whole Wheat Oatmeal Granola Cookies with Dark Chocolate and Walnuts

I have been craving cookies for a long time and hadn't baked any cookies in forever, it seems.  I have seem many yummy recipes across the blogoshere. However, I had a physical recently with a cholesterol test, and mine came back at 226, last year it was 190.  How can that be? I am 5' 3 1/2 " tall and weigh 111 lbs We eat low fat low sodium, because of my husband's bypass. I was stymied, for sure. What could be causing the rise in my cholesterol this past year?

My lifestyle and diet hasn't changed over the year, except I stopped eating oatmeal for the summer. However, I am a year older, and my Mom's cholesterol was 300, had two heart attacks, and my dad had a heart attack at 83 with a subsequent bypass, so heart disease runs in the family. I do have trouble doing cardio, due to my nerve damage, but I try to do Pilates.  Now, I didn't have blog until the latter part of last year.  Do you think that having a blog can raise your cholesterol?  Have I been eating way too many carbs?  When I bake something, I try to give away most of what I bake. Now, I am really looking at the carbs, as well as the fat and protein in foods. Would I ever be able to eat cookies, cakes, muffins, again?

As fate or karma would have it, shortly after my blood test I won Claudia@Blogs got Heart, giveaway, and these two books landed on my porch.
Somebody or something was sending me a message.  Thank you again Claudia.  I certainly got a wake up call,  I thought that I had been eating healthy, but evidently that wasn't the case. Now, I have three months to lower my cholesterol, or take the meds. Now, I'm eating oatmeal again, trying to do cardio, and watching my carbs and dairy. Also, much to my husband's chagrin, I'm adding more whole grains into our diet.   (He's already on the meds for high cholesterol.) I'll let you know, how it's going.

Now back to the cookies.  As I was looking through Joy Bauer's book, Slim and Scrumptious, I saw a recipe for Soft Oatmeal cookies with Cherries and Chocolate. It had too many carbs, so I modified the recipe. The recipe called for 1/2 whole wheat, 1/2 AP flour, and I used all whole wheat flour. I also used Egg Beaters in place of the eggs, Splenda Brown Sugar for the regular brown sugar, dark chocolate for the semi sweet chocolate and walnuts for the dried cherries. The recipe also used rolled oats, applesauce, and only 1 Tbsp canola oil. These Granola Cookies, turned out so well, not overly sweet, chocked full of dark chocolate, and walnuts with vitamins.  These would be a good, healthy, breakfast cookie or snack with a glass of Almond milk. You could also sub mashed banana for the applesauce, and add peanut butter.  I think that I'll try that next time. I made larger cookies and some smaller. Even my husband liked them, and he usually doesn't like "healthy foods."

This recipe makes about 32 cookies, I think.  The reason I don't know is because I had a cookie thief in my midst. Does she look like a cookie thief? Bailey?
 Oh Yah, she was the culprit. When I went to take a picture of the cookies, I left the cooling rack with the rest of the cookies, too close to the edge of the counter, and she grabbed a few, I believe.

Now, Here is the recipe for these yummy cookies, enjoy!

 Whole Wheat Oatmeal Granola Cookies with Dark Chocolate and Walnuts Makes 32
Adapted from Slim and Scrumptious by Joy Bauer

11⁄2 cups quick- cooking or old-fashioned rolled oats
1  cup whole wheat flour
1 ⁄4  c Splenda brown sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder
1 ⁄2 teaspoon baking soda
1 ⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt- I didn't add
1 ⁄3 cup  dark chocolate chips 60% cacao
1 ⁄2 cup walnuts
1 ⁄2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 egg whites, lightly beaten, or ½  c Eggbeaters
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Coat one or two baking sheets with oil spray.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the rolled oats, whole wheat  flour, Splenda. baking powder, baking soda, and salt until the ingredients are evenly
distributed. Add the chocolate chips and walnuts, and stir to combine.
3. In a large bowl, combine the applesauce, canola oil, egg whites, and vanilla
extract, stirring until smooth.
4. Add the dry ingredients to the applesauce mixture. Stir until just combined
and no streaks of flour remain.
5. Drop scant tablespoons or teaspoons of cookie dough onto the baking sheets, and press them lightly with your fingers to flatten the cookies slightly. (To prevent the dough from sticking to your fingers, dip your fingers in water before pressing
on the cookies.)
6. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the cookies start to turn golden brown at
the edges. Let them cool on the baking sheets for 3 minutes; then transfer
them to a wire rack to cool completely.  (Watch you dog!) Store in an airtight container.


  1. Thanks for the mention here, and I am so glad your enjoying the books the cookies are delightful. I know how you feel about hereditary issues, all of the above are what I have battled, I unfortunately dont have the will power you do and need to make some drastic changes you have certainly inspired me thanks Becky!

  2. I'm always looking for healthy baked goods, so I'll definitely be making these! Thanks for sharing!

    How is Joy's cookbook? I see her on the Today show often and question her eating habits considering just how thin she is.

  3. Awww! What a cute cookie thief! Your cookies look delicious! Good for you for eating healthier!

  4. Yum! And I know too well about animals stealing food. My little rascals eat everything.

  5. These looks like they taste amazing and the bonus is that they are healthy-well done. Yum!

  6. Bailey is so sweet! I know Lambeau would have gobbled up any in her reach, too! As would I!!! are such a great baker, I know you could easily make a pavlova. Have your egg whites and room temp and follow whatever recipe you use. You'll do fine~

  7. Claudia-I am touched that you want to make changes in your health, and that I was your inspiration. We can do it together!

    The Tiffin Girl- Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you. Joy's cook is fine. I really haven't had a chance to try many of her recipes yet. this is the first one. I'll be posting some of her others soon.

    Jill-These cookies are good, and not too sweet.

    Jessica-Yes, you do know about dogs:) I was reading your blog about the latest escapades with your pups, lol.

    Tina-Thank you for your kind words. These cookies are delicious.

    Lizzy-thank you for your words of encouragement. I will take them to heart, so I will have to give the pavlova a try, with your tutorial:)

  8. But what a very cute cookie thief though! Take good care of yourself - wishing you all the best.

  9. Jen-Thanks for stopping by. Bailey is cute, and she knows it.

  10. I'm with you with the heart disease history. Mom and dad have choleserol issues and Dad had a quadrople bypass a few years back. Oatmeal is a huge part of my diet and put it in a cookie and it's even better! I know what you mean about the blog adding numbers to both the cholesterol and the scale. I affectionately call my extra few pounds my "blog roll"!!!
    Ok... and that Baily is just too cute! Bit of a guilty look, maybe!!

  11. Congrats on winning. Dog is too cute. Great recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Heart disease and high cholesterol runs in my family too so we try to be careful. I hope that you are successful is dropping your numbers! If these cookies can help then I'm all for it cus they look delicious!! Yum!

  13. Hi Becky, how are you? It has been a while I last visited you. Looks like you are still cooking and baking up a storm. These cookies sounds delicious. I don't blame Bailey, I would be cookie thief too if I am there. LOL!

  14. Kim- Liv Life- Oatmeal and whole grains are becoming part of my diet now for sure. Hopefully, I can get the numbers down.

    Christine-Thank you for your sweet words.

    Michelle-Thanks for visiting my blog. Nice to meet you. Hope that you come back,

  15. Kim-The Farmer's Wife- these cookies are delicious, so hopefully they will help, along with my other dietary changes.

    Veronica- Good to see you again. I'm still here baking and cooking. Hope that you have been well:)

  16. Ok, so you're telling me that I can eat all the cookies I want if I use oatmeal because it lowers cholesterol? I can live with that, especially since oatmeal raisin is my fav.

    I hope this works and you're not put on meds for this. Fingers crossed!

  17. I am wishing you to drop those down as soon as possible...and I know that you will.
    Great recipe for oatmeal cookies. My kids love oatmeal and I am not big fan of mushy breakfast, but in cookies I can't stop eating..strange right?
    Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

  18. Christiane- Thanks for the well wishes. You have to remember the "M" word, moderation:)

    Sandra-You would love these cookies, I'm sure. thank you for thinking of me.

  19. Yum! I love cookies. This recipe looks scrumptious.

  20. Russell- Thank you for your kind words.

  21. Becky, I so understand dropping oatmeal in summer months - who wants hot cereal on a hot morning? I wish you the best in lowering your cholesterol. The cookies look scrumpious AND healthy. Love the cookie bandit!

  22. Brooks- Thanks for stopping by. haven't seen you in a while. Thank you for the well wishes.

  23. Oh these look awesome!! Nice job Becky!! I love that they are whole wheat...I am such a whole wheat girl

  24. These do look delicious Becky! I'm sorry to hear about your numbers, but I bet you'll get them down soon. And thank you for sharing this hearty recipe, my sweet friend! I'm hungry again (we just finished dinner a couple of hours ago). Yummy and always. Much love from Austin!

  25. Becky-Love these delish, and light, yet rich looking cookies. Bailey is so adorable!
    Now you are really inspiring to focus more on Joy's recipes. Yumm!

  26. You can't go wrong with oatmeal and chocolate!
