
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Frozen Mojitos-A Last resort

My husband decided that we needed to replace the carpeting in our guest room and our den, now! I am in the midst of preparing for a bridal shower for my future daughter-in-law in one week, and up to my ears in cupcakes and baking. At least I'm not having the shower at my house. but this couldn't be a worse time for me to have the carpeting replaced.  Thank goodness I could still use my kitchen. 

So when your house looks like the picture above you bake...
 Nutella Fudge Brownie Bites .  I made these for the first time, and have made them several times since.  They will sit proudly on the dessert table of the shower, with many other mini desserts that I am baking. I will be posting those desserts at a later time.

After you have made these brownie bites, what else can you do?
 You make a Frozen Mojito.  For those of you that haven't had a Mojito, it's a Cuban highball. They are a wonderful concoction of white rum, fresh mint, lime juice, sugar and sparkling water or club soda. This drink is so refreshing, with the citrus, the soothing mint, the sweetness of the sugar, and the kick of the rum,  Nothing could be more refreshing than a Mojito, on a hot summer day!

As fate would have it, when I went to take the picture of this luscious Mojito, the battery had to be recharged in my camera. Then I had to put the Mojito in the freezer, for abour 30 min, until I could take pictures.  Voila, the Frozen Mojito was born, or my version anyway. I used the Bacardi recipe, but they have a really cool website Bacardi Mojito.  check it out. Now I didn't have a muddler, but I did have this...
 a wooden juicer, that has a rounded bottom, perfect to muddle mint leaves with the sugar to release the oils from the mint leaves. If you already have a muddler, fine, but you can use this wooden juicer, also. I didn't use Bacardi Rum, either, Shhh, don't tell. Here is the recipe, if you didn't go to the Mojito link.
1.5 oz  White rum Rum
12 fresh spearmint leaves
1/2 lime, juiced
7 oz club soda or sparkling water
2 tbsp. simple syrup
(or 4 tsp. sugar) 
I used Splenda
about 2 tsp.

 Muddle, or crush mint leaves, sugar or simple syrup, and lime juice together in a tall, narrow glass. Add ice. Then add rum and sparkling water over ice cubes  Stir well and garnish with lime slices and more Mint.  Enjoy !

If you want a frozen Mojito, put the Mojito in the freezzer, if you can wait, for about 30 min, and then Enjoy! Transform youself onto a brezzy, tropical Island!


  1. Wow Becky-You certainly have a lot going on...the bridal shower is your biggest project, that is a huge generous of you. I don't recall hosting the bridal shower for my d-in-law.
    Feel so bad for your inconvenience with all the mess, but you will have beautiful brand new carpets in your den, and guest room.
    Love the Nutella muffins, and especially the Mojitos...will not look far to google recipe; I also want to make this for a Sunday brunch asap!
    Thanks for sharing...and BTW-I do have an award for you to claim on my blog, so please stop by when time permits!

  2. Elisabeth-the mess in the house is almost gone, Thank Goodness! The carpeting does look very nice. I'm glad that you like the Nutella Mini Brownies and the Mojitos are perfect for your tropical weather.

  3. I think you earned that mojito, Becky! Can't wait to hear all about the shower...I'm sure it's going to turn out lovely...

  4. I like all kinds of drinks with rum.. And mojitos are so fresh tasting.. :)

  5. Wendy- This week is countdown to the shower-6 days and counting, so I won't be on my blog much!

    Medeja- I like rum drinks, too, especially with the dark rum.

  6. I have a love/hate relationship with remodeling. I love the outcome, but hate hate hate the process! :) Have a couple more mojitos! ;-)

  7. Kate- I think that I need them. Thanks:)

  8. I made mint mojitos for Ryan's birthday, and I had so much fun (making and eating them!) Thank you for sharing, sweet friend. I hope you had a great start to your week. Much love!

  9. I could use one of those mojitos right about now!

  10. Monet- Mojitos are so refreshing, especially in your Austin heat.

    Tiffany- I'll make you one right now!

  11. good luck with all the renovations! glad to hear you can still use your kitchen... i think baking and cooking is the perfect way to relax when everything else seems so chaotic :)

    i don't drink but that does look very refreshing!

  12. Abeer,
    I agree! Baking and cooking is therapeutic for sure!

    You can muddle mint and put it ice tea or lemonade, and it's so refreshing.
