
Friday, May 27, 2011

Don't Fry Day

The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention Encourages Everyone to Protect Your Skin Today and Every Day.

The National Council Declares the Friday before Memorial Day, May 27, 2011 is “Don’t Fry Day” To Encourage Sun Safety Awareness

As a 15 yr, Melanoma Survivor, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the above.  Actually May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month.  Don't Fry Day is to raise the awareness of Skin Cancer, and it is on the rise. Here is a sobering fact. One American dies from skin cancer every hour! 

To help reduce rising rates of skin cancer from overexposure to the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun, the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention has designated the Friday before Memorial Day as Don’t Fry Day to encourage sun safety awareness and to remind everyone to protect their skin while enjoying the outdoors. Because no single step can fully protect you and your family from overexposure to UV radiation, follow as many of the following tips as possible:
  • Avoid sun burning, intentional tanning, and using tanning beds.
  • Apply sunscreen generously
  • Wear sun-protective clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses.
  • Seek shade.
  • Use extra caution near water, snow, and sand.
  • Get vitamin D safely through food and vitamin D supplements.
 Fortunately, skin cancer is highly curable if found early and can be prevented. Remember to Slip! Slop! Slap!...and Wrap when you’re outdoors — slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher, slap on a hat, and wrap on sunglasses. The best way to detect skin cancer early is to examine your skin regularly and recognize changes in moles and skin growths.

I was one of the lucky ones, because my Melanoma, which is the deadliest type, was caught early. Actually, my internist is the one that caught it.  I had a mole on my lower left leg, that started to change, It changed shape, color, and texture. I had surgery and a skin graft, but I didn't have to Chemo and radiation. I have very fair skin, and I burn in 5 minutes, no joke. I grew up in the era, before sun screen was invented, and people use to use baby oil and iodine to "tan", not me!!! Some of you may remember that concoction! We didn't even know that the sun was "bad" for you other than sunburns, which I had way too many of.

Now I wear sun protective clothing, at least a sun shirt, and a hat or visor, when I'm out in the sun. I wear SPF 30 all year round, every day, because the sun is always somewhere! I have a skin check every 6 months from the Dermatologist, or sooner, if I have a "spot", that has to be removed.

Enjoy this coming holiday, but be smart and protect you and your family from the burning rays, I know that I will. If you want more information on this subject, click here Skin Cancer Prevention.  Stay Safe!


  1. It's very useful!
    Thanks for sharing, you're wonderful!

  2. Thank you for stopping by. I really thought that more people would read this post.

  3. Becky-I'm sure plenty of people have read this post about skin cancer, and know, and take the precautions.
    I've had several moles removed that were in early stages of skin cancer. The worst was the one my forehead which was close to the hairline. The doctor really scared me about that one and said if it goes untreated it can kill me...believe me I take serious caution now, and that was over 10 years ago!

    Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Skin cancer is nothing to be fooling around with, and to ignore!
    Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

  4. Elisabeh- You are certainly right, skin cancer is nothing to ignore. I want people to be aware, so they don't have to go through, what I went through.

  5. Great post, Becky. My younger sister had a melanoma removed a couple years ago...and I was much more of a sun worshiper than her. I've been more careful about checking my skin since then. SO glad you are a survivor, Becky!

  6. Lizzy-So happy that your sister is a survivor! Once you have had melanoma it changes your life, and for your family, too, because they are now vigilant about their skin, like you.

  7. There’s not a single event today that doesn’t make it to social media. It’s not just restricted to personal moments either – your employees, too, use social media to share pictures of corporate events, team lunches, or casual Fridays at the workplace. Imagine having all your employees wearing custom t-shirts with your company’s logo emblazoned on them, in one of these pictures. Are you thinking what we are thinking?
    There’s not a single event today that doesn’t make it to social media. It’s not just restricted to personal moments either – your employees, too, use social media to share pictures of corporate events, team lunches, or casual Fridays at the workplace. Imagine having all your employees wearing custom t-shirts with your company’s logo emblazoned on them, in one of these pictures. Are you thinking what we are thinking?

    Gifting Ideas this Season

  8. I like using concout oil stops me from burning from the sun.
