
Friday, April 1, 2011

Online Bake Sale for a Cause-The American Cancer Society and More Birthdays

I am excited to be planning my first fund raising event for my team,  Life's a Beach, for The  American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. June 24th-25th.. I have a personal goal of $1000, and all the monies raised will go to the American Cancer Society and benefits all types of cancer.  From the day you are diagnosed with cancer, you are a survivor to fight the biggest battle of your life .We all deserve a world with less cancer and more Birthdays.

I will be hosting an Online Bake Sale which will be Monday, May 2nd. I am looking for anyone who wants to bake and donate baked goods to be auctioned off on the Online Bake Sale Monday, May 2nd.  The deadline to enter is Thursday, April 28th. If you are interested in participating, please e-mail me at  If you do not want to bake, you can certainly bid, or just make a donation to My Donation Page  Again, all monies raised go to the American Cancer Society to fight all types of cancer.Every Dollar counts!
I am a 15 yr. Melanoma Cancer survivor, and have been a Team Captain for 7 yrs. Besides being a cancer survivor, so many people in my life have been affected by Cancer.  My Mom had Multiple Myeloma , my brother Tim, is currently undergoing aggressive chemo for the third time for a rare form of Leukemia, my cousin has lung cancer, and I have lost 2 dear friends to cancer. I was so overwhelmed  with all of these people fighting, cancer I had to do something, and went to a Relay for Life. I'm sure that you know a friend or family member that had been affected by cancer A Relay for Life is is a lfe changing event to Celebrate the life you have, Remember those that have lost their fight, and Fight Back to beat cancer.

Thank You for your Help! Also Thank you  Steph!, from Steph's Bite by Bite. for her inspiration and encouragement. Steph had an Online Bake Sale January 31st for her  Team in Training.


  1. This is so inspiring, I like you have had cancer turn my world upside down. I too am trying to fight back and trying to help others do the same. Keep up the good work!

  2. Love from Scratch- thank you for your encouragement! Follow the progress of the Online Bake Sale.

  3. You are a strong lady with a big heart Becky! Have a great weekend :)

  4. Congratulations on beating melanoma! My sister had one removed a few years back, but thank goodness it was a very early stage. I may just have to bid as my April/May is very crazy...but I'd love to contribute to this great cause :)

  5. Very inspiring Becky. I hope the bake sale will be a huge success. My daughter is doing Relay for Life here in AZ as well in memory of my dad who passed away from cancer 8 years ago. Such a wonderful cause!

  6. Mateja- thank you for your support.

    Lizzy- My melanoma was caught in the early stages
    also, but I did have t have a skin graft, becaause the mole was on my lower shin. Thank you for your support in bidding! t\That will be great. Watch for updates on the bake sale!

    Susi Thank you for your support.-The Relay for Life is a life changing event. You see that you are not the only one who has lost a family member or friend to cancer, and the lighting gf the luminaria is so moving!

  7. Thank you Becky for sharing this with us today, I am so glad that you posted this! You are strong and wonderful lady, so glad to know you at least this way..Also you are stunning woman, love your new pic!!!
    Have a amazing weekend, and I will keep my fingers crossed for awesome bake sale!

  8. A wonderful cause, so inspiring! I hope you have a very successful bake sale!

  9. Sandra and Natasha- thank you for your support. I need people to volunteer to donate baked goods, or bid for baked items for the bake sale to be successful.

  10. Wow, what an inspiring story.... congratulations on beating cancer, Becky!
    Please let me know about where I go to donate. You can send me an email if you like:

  11. Kate-thank you so much! I will be sending you an email shortly.

  12. oh my can I relate to this, my cousin died of multiple myleoma just last week, and an associate of mine at 39. So much tragedy from this dreaded disease. Your wonderful to do this and your story is amazing and inspiring to all.Congrats on beating this dreaded disease that is fabulous motivation when facing this. Hope you have a great bake sale~

  13. Claudia- So sorry for your loss. My melanoma was caught early, so I was lucky. Early detection and treatment is key to any type of cancer.

  14. Becky, thanks for sharing your story with us, I admire your strength and your positive attitude. I hope your have a successful fund raising event. What a wonderful cause you have engaged in! You have my respect. HUGS!

  15. Veronica- Thank you for your support and love:)
