
Monday, January 31, 2011

Turkey Soup with Baby Bok Choy and Spinach and Snowmageddon in Chicago

When The Blizzard of 2011, aptly named, Snowmageddon,  drops 24" snow with 40MPH winds in 12 hours, you make soup to warm your body and your soul. We made Turkey Soup with Baby Spinach and Baby Bok Choy.  It was so good and had a lot of flavor.  Fortunately, last week we had made a turkey breast in the slow cooker, and added chicken stock and a little white wine, which made a wonderful leftover turkey stock, once most of the turkey breast was eaten  We saved enough breast meat for soup, but disposed of the bones. We never imagined that we'd be eating this soup during Snowmageddon. You know that things are bad when you have to shovel a path for your dog on your patio to go outside.  The look on Bailey's face says it all .We have to put on her Winnie The Pooh sweater, so we can find her.   Our herb pot on our patio is peeking out of the snow.  Now back to the soup...
Bailey on the path

Out our Front Door

 If you don't have turkey stock, you can use chicken stock, boxed or home made.To our turkey stock, we added about a cup more of chicken stock, and 1/4 C white wine.  You can also use cooked chicken or pork.Then we sauteed 4 whole carrots, sliced, 1 med. onion, diced, and added to the stock  Then we sauteed 4 whole carrots, sliced, 1 med onion diced, and added to the stock, along with 1c. diced, cooked turkey, and seasonings.  We used Sunny Singapore No-Salt seasoning blend  This seasoning is a blend of Eastern  and Western Spices, coriander, cumin. lemon peel, cardamom, and ginger, just to name a few. We got this seasoning at The Spice House. ** Simmer for about twenty minutes. We just used what we had in our fridge. My husband had wanted green cabbage in the soup, but when I went to the store, the whole green cabbage would have been $3.00!! I ended up getting two Baby Bok Choy for $.50. After the soup has simmered for 20 min. You can add the sliced Baby Bok Choy and Baby the simmered broth, and serve with slices of crunchy, toasted French bread,

Turkey Soup with Baby Bok Choy and Baby Spinach
4C turkey or chicken stock
1/4 C white wine
Additional 1 C. chicken stock, low sodium from Trader Joe's
1 C. diced turkey
Sunny Singapore No Salt Seasoning**
4 whole carrots, sliced thin  We like a lot of carrots.
1 med. onion, diced
2 Baby Bok choy, sliced
Handful of Baby spinach leaves

Saute carrots and onions in 2 tbsp olive oil for about 5 min. Add to soup pot.  Simmer turkey stock, chicken stock, seasoning, diced turkey, diced turkey and wine in soup pot for 20-25 min.

Add sliced Baby Bok Choy and Baby Spinach, and simmer for 2 min. longer.  Serve steaming bowls with slices of crunchy. toasted  French Bread, and thank your lucky stars, that you're inside a warm house, enjoying warm, wonderful bowls of  soup.

** I do not receive any compensation or free products, from The Spice House.  I just like their reasonably priced spices.

  I was fortunate to receive three different  blog awards recently .I treasure these awards, because they are given from my peers, the food blogging community, that read and comment on my blog. Thank you so much, each and everyone of you!  I appreciate each and everyone of the comments and encouragement that I receive, from all of you.

The first award that I received was  the one above from Sandra's Easy Cooking.  If you haven't stopped by her blog, please do so.  She has lots of delicious recipes with gorgeous pictures. She just was one of the Top 9 for January 31st.

My second award comes from  Brandie at The Country Cook   Thank you so much for this "Stylish"  Award  She is just a blogger this month, and has a lovely blog with lots of Southern favorites. Stop by and check out her blog. .I am going to  to pay this award forward to some  bloggers, who have never received an award, as far as I know, or whose blog I admire.
 Katrina' from In Katrina's Kitchen.
Abeer from CakeWhiz
Steph from Steph's Bite by Bite
Brooks fromCakewalker

The third award is From Mateja Indulging Life., who is from Slovenia, but now is Nashville.  She has a lovely blog with recipes from her chidhood, as well as recipes she cooks for her family now. She created and desingned her own award, the Most Deserved Award, to give back to all the wonderful bloggers that she has met, and who read her blog, support her, and inspire her.  I am so honored to receive this award from her. Anybody that creates their own award to pay back their fellow bloggers, deserves to receive that very award.
Mateja embodies all of the qualities, which she chose for her award. So without further ado, I am passing on 

The Most Deserved award to  Mateja, Indulging Life 



  1. Hearty soup for cold winter weather! I will definitely check out Sunny Singapore seasoning blend (from all the spices that you mentioned I already like it). We don't have snow in Nashville, but it's sooooo coooold!
    Congrats on all awards Becky and thank you for all the wonderful lines you wrote! Keep warm and be safe in this day of Snowmageddon ^_^

  2. A warm congratulations on the awards Becky!! Nicely done!
    I can't even begin to imagine the cold that you are experiencing! My little pups would most definitely not be happy about going outside. Our frosty morning today (38º) was chilly on their little pampered toes!
    Love the soup... an excellent body warmer!
    And I wanted to answer your question, yes, I used a 12 mini muffin tin for the brownies, for 24 you'd need to double it! Don't overbake these guys... I did and they were a bit dry. 2nd time I didn't and it was better!

  3. Congrats on your awards!!!! And thank you so much for giving me an awrd. I am so flattered that you considered me :)

    And that blizzard was insane! We were out of power for the night and it got so cold. God bless the person who invented thick socks and

  4. Ps: i wish i had your soup on the night of the would have warmed me up nicely. It looks so hot and delicious :)

  5. Kim- Thank you for your kind words. Your little pups are much smaller than my 30 lb Bailey. She isn't happy with the weather, though.
    Thanks for the info on the brownies.

  6. Oh my poor Bailey! My dogs would have held it! This soup sounds so good though. I've been seeing reports of the weather from others too, sure makes me feel fortunate to be where I'm at. I'm hoping it goes away soon for you guys. Stay inside and don't get sick.

  7. Becky! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am HONORED beyond words! I am really enjoyed getting to know my new blogger friends. I enjoy you and I love reading through your blog too! Wow! I am speechless!!!

  8. Gina- Bailey usually likes the snow, because she has a fur coat, but she doesn't like change. thank you for your kind words.

    Katrina- You are very welcome for the award. I love your blog, too.

  9. Becky - Bailey is so flippin' adorable. I love when you show pictures of her!! And all those awards are well-deserved. You not only have a great blog with great recipes but you are a wonderful supporter of other blogs!! :)

  10. Brandie-Bailey is my "other child". She's so spoiled. Thank you for your kind words, and Congratulations on all of your awards and your wonderful blog!

  11. Haha, I bet this turkey soup is the perfect meal to keep you warm during "Snowmageddon"! It's warming up here in Southern California, but I could still go for a bowl myself! Congratulations on all of your wonderful awards - they are well deserved. Have a great weekend!

  12. This snow is utter insanity, we have so much here in New England too. There's no place left to put it! ANd more is forecast for next week. But a bowl of your soup might just cheer me up!

  13. First your soup looks delicious and photo is just lovely! I can see difference with new camera!
    Second, congrats on your awards, and thank you so much for saying that about my blog..I greatly appreciate you! You are such a sweet lady and I enjoy your blog so much!!!

  14. Aww I love this soup :) Thank you for stopping by and all the kind words :) COngrats on Award from Sandra, she's a darling indeed :)

  15. I gave you a shout out on my bog today :)

  16. Georgia- Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for your kind words. We need everything we can here to keep warm!

    Carolyn- Thanks for visiting. We're kind of in the same "snow boat", no place to put all of the snow. We just have to keep thinking "Spring Thoughts".

    Sandra- I do love my new camera. Thank you for your kind words about the awards, and you gave me one of them:)

    Kasia-Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you again. I gave my step-daughter your website.

    Katrina-Thanks for the shout out.

  17. This looks so hearty! It would be great for a cold evening.

  18. Snowmageon! HILARIOUS! Congrats on your awards!

  19. Veronica- Thanks for stopping by and your comments.

    Tiffany- Thank you for your kind words.

  20. Becky, you are such a dear for thinking of me... THANK YOU for the Stylish Blogger Award! It feels like a red carpet event - two awards in one week! I truly appreciate this designation for as you said, it comes from our peers, food bloggers who read and comment on our work. I'm grateful to you Becky and to each and every one who has taken the time to read and comment on my posts.

  21. Becky, you soup sounds lovely on this damp and gray Oregon day. Having, however, seen what you are dealing with I'll count my blessings. I'm new to your blog but having just spent some time browsing through your earlier entries, I can definitely tell you I'll be back. I love the food and recipes you feature here. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  22. This looks like a perfect warming soup for these cold days. So satisfying!

  23. Congratulations on your awards, you certainly deserve them! I feel for you with all that snow, we really did get off easy in Philly, freezing rain was all that storm hit us with.
    Your soup looks delicious, I have been seeing baby bok choy in the market this year, I can't remember seeing it before, it was a nice addition to your soup!

  24. Congratulations on your well-deserved rewards, Becky! And thank you for passing the Stylish Blogger Award on to me - I am honored and I greatly appreciate it! :)

  25. Brooks-You are welcome for the award. You are a "Stylish Blogger."

    Mary- Glad to see you back. Thank you for your kind words.

    zerrin-Thanks for stopping by and your comments

    Chef Dennis- Thank you for the kind words. Baby Bok Choy has milder taste and is very tender, which I like.

    Kath- You are welcome for the award. You are truly a "Stylish Blogger."

  26. Sounds like a wonderful comforting soup, love the addition of baby bok choy!

  27. Natasha- Thank you for your comments!

  28. I'm a bit behind in reading, but I'm working on catching up, even if a few days late. This soup is fantastic. I love the flavors of the vegetables that you've put together here (especially since I'm a bok choy fan). I'm glad you're surviving the arctic north. And I'm more glad that I don't live up there anymore!
