
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

If All Else Fails, Make Split Pea Soup

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Well, if all of your leftovers are gone, except for the ham bone, It's time to make Split Pea Soup. Split Pea soup is very easy to make with a bag of split peas, some carrots, celery, onions, garlic. and a bay leaf..  What results is a thick, porridge like concoction, that makes your kitchen smell wonderful, even if you cook it in the crock pot.  Have you ever heard the saying, "as thick as pea soup".  It  refers to the fog being "as thick as pea soup."  The soup thickens after it cools and is placed in the refrigerator. The soup can then be thinned with chicken stock, cream, or milk,  if need be.  Most people either like Split Pea soup or they don't.  there is no middle ground, when it comes to this soup So, if you are in the camp that likes Split Pea Soup, you'll like this recipe.

If you are watching your sodium, this is a special treat, and we didn't add any additional salt to the recipe. We haven't bought a ham, since my husband's bypass surgery,   They had a spiral ham at their Christmas luncheon where he works, so he said that he would take it home, make Split Pea Soup, and take the soup back to work.  Here is the recipe.

1 16 oz bag of split peas, washed, sorted, and soaked overnight
8 c, of water
1 meaty ham bone
1 large onion, chopped
2/3 c  chopped carrots
2/3 c chopped celery
1 bay leaf

Wash peas. Combine, peas, ham bone, water, garlic, onion, carrots, celery, and bay leaf in slow cooker. Cover and cook on HIGH for 1 hour.  Turn to LOW and cook for 8-10 hours, longer if peas aren't tender.
Remove ham bone, chop meat, and return to slow cooker. Remove bay leaf from slow cooker.  Season with pepper. Enjoy!


  1. I just love pea soup, oh how I could go for a big bowl for dinner tonite!!

  2. Chef Dennis- Thank you for your comments.

  3. The split soup sounds so good, comforting and warming, so perfect for the wintery weather! Happy New Year!

  4. I also love split pea soup...especially with a thick chunk of sourdough bread. This looks like the perfect meal to serve on a cold winter night. Thank you so much for sharing with me. I hope you and your family have a happy New Year!

  5. This soup looks really inviting for this cold weather. You made it sound really simple and easy to make it. I have to try, Thanks very much for sharing. Wishing you a great 2011!

  6. Natasha- Soup, to me is comforting and warming, especially in Chicago Land. Happy New Year!

    Monet-I was thinking about all of your breads that you make, when made this soup. I didn't have any bread, though. wishing you and your family a calm and peaceful 2011.

    Mary- Thank you for stopping by my blog. I checked yours, and I love the "cupcake socks."
    Happy New Year!

  7. My mother in law makes the most delicious split pea soup and yours look very, very much like a bowl she would serve up. Soooo comforting and delicious!!

  8. Kimberly- thank you for your kind words.
    Have a Happy New Year and a great 2011.

  9. Split pea is my favorite soup and you just made me happy. We had ham for Christmas and I totally forgot that it has a bone. Oh, there's split pea soup in my near future. Thanks SO much for passing your recipe along. I might just give it a try!

    Happy new year!!!!

  10. Woah.. Peas soup. This is really gonna interesting.! I'm gonna try this and one more thing this can really do my assignment help as I'm going to enjoy my meal with this peas soup.

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