
Monday, November 22, 2010

Monet's Pumpkin Chocolate Brownies Again and Happy 91st Birthday Dad!

I made Monet's Pumpkin Brownies for the second time in two weeks.  The first time that I made them, I didn't even get a picture, they went so fast.. Our neighbors were having a bonfire to christen their new gigantic fire pit.  What could be better to have than these wonderful, moist rich, chocolaty, pumpkiny (is that a word?) brownies. I could go on and on:)  See for yourself, if you need a quick, delicious addition to your Thanksgiving desserts. 

Monet and her family are going through a challenging,  stressful time in their lives right now.  Monet's nephew, Ryan, 22 mos. had a near-drowning experience in October, and is currently in a Children's hospital in the Denver area. Monet is a very  sweet, thoughtful person, and I've never met her, but I would certainly like to.
She just keeps baking these amazing sweets and breads.  Please keep Monet and her family in your thoughts and prayers

The second time that I made the Pumpkin Chocolate Brownies was for my Dad's 91st birthday.  He's in a nursing home, in a wheel chair with Dementia, it's like he's in his own little world.  What better to make for his birthday, but Pumpkin Chocolate Brownies!  My brother, two of his kids, my husband, and myself went to see him yesterday.  That's the picture of my Dad, my niece, and me. Every time I go to see him it's bittersweet., remembering the man he used to be and the man that he is now.  He seems happy in his own little world, so at this point that is all I can ask, and to love him.


  1. Oh Becky that must be hard, but I bet he enjoyed the brownies! Monet and her family have been in my thoughts too! Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Gina- It is hard, but that's the way it is. Like he said, at least he's content.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family., too,!

  3. These brownies look delicious! I'm sure your dad loved them, as I would:)

  4. Those brownies look great!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! :)

  5. My grandmother has dementia...and I know how hard it can be to see your loved one battling with that disease. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts. I'm honored that you tried my recipe! I hope you have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving!

  6. Dimah- Thank you for your comments. Happy Thanksgiving to your family, too.

    Monet- My mother had dementia, too, so I'm going through it all again. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family this Thanksgiving.

  7. Hi Becky, those pumpkin brownies look amazing!! And it must be hard with your dad, my husband's granddad is in a nursing home too with dementia.. and we don't visit him much because he lives in another state, but whenever family members go over to visit him we hear so many stories about how he is deteriorating and how he can hardly remember what he did yesterday, or barely recognise his own wife some days.... but oh well, that's life.

    But as you said, at least your dad is content and seems happy.. have a great Thanksgiving :)

  8. Kimberly- Like you said about the dementia, that's life. Happy Thanksgiving, Or do you celebrate Thanksgiving, I'm not sure.

  9. What a wonderful birthday picture Becky! The brownies look pretty darn good as well. I think the fact that you have made them twice already is quite a recommendation! I've been following Ryan's story as well... such a sad thing.

  10. Kim- These brownies are so good and very seasonal!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    I'm keeping Monet and her family in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. Hi,
    I’ve an award for you (The Versatile Blogger Award), please come and pick it up when you’re free
