
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Door County Cherry Rum Pie and an Award

For the past few Thanksgivings my husband has been making  this Door County Cherry Rum Pie.He even makes his own crust and cuts out cherries from the crust, for the top of the pie. For those of you who aren't from the Midwest, Door County is a far North Eastern county in Wisconsin.  It is a getaway location for many people from the Chicago area.  They grow the most amazing cherries up there, hence the name Door county cherries.. We were lucky to have friends that were going up there for a weekend last August,, and brought us back the coveted cherries, small ruby gems bursting with flavor  We would be able have the Door County Cherry Pie, once again,

Ingredients Adapted from McCall's Cookbook
Preheat to 425 F

Make pie rust and refrigerate until ready to use.  He used Michelle at Brown Eyed Baker's Recipe for Perfect Pie Crust.
 32 oz or about 4 cups of tart cherries drained reserve  juice
 3/4 cup reserved Cherry juice
1/4 c dark rum
1 c sugar
1/3 c unsifted flour
1/8 tsp salt
2 Tbsp butter
1 egg yolk (for egg wash)
1/4 tsp almond extract

What to do
1. Combine sugar, flour, and salt.  Stir into reserved cherry juice and rum. Bring to
    boiling, stirring.
2. Reduce heat, and simmer for 5 min, till thickened.  Stir in buter
3. Add almond extract and refrigerate. 
4. Roll out half of pastry on well floured surface, and place in 9" pan. Trim pastry even with pan      and fill bottom crust with cooled cherry pie filling
5. Roll out the other half of the pasty into an 12" circle
6.. Place pastry circle on top of your cherry     filling . Cut  a few large slits on the surface to allow      steam to escape. Crimp edges as desired. Brush with egg wash.      
7.Bake 30-35 Min., until pastry nicely browned. Cool on wire rack.  Serve warm.  Enjoy!

Now, for the Award!   Dimah at Orange Blossom Water, who has a beautiful blog with a lot Syrian recipes handed down from generations, gave me The Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you, Dimah.I appreciate it so much!  I have learned so much about your food and customs  That's what blogging is about, isn't it. Go check out her lovely bog, and I'm sure that you won't be disappointed!

Here are the rules for the award:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and put a link on your blog back to the person who  gave you the award.
2.  Share 7 things about yourself.
3.  Pass this award along to 10-15 bloggers whom you have recently discovered and who you  think are fantastic for whatever reason, in no particular order.
4.Contact the bloggers that you have picked and let them know about it.

Here are the bloggers that I have chosen for the award:  Please stop by their blogs and check them out, if you already haven't done so.
Karen at Tasty Trials

7 things about me:

1. I don't watch scary or violent movies of any kind.  I have nightmares.
2.My favorite food is strawberries.
3. I have a Cock-a-Poo, named Baileywho is sweet, but high maintenance.
4 .I started blogging after seeing Julie & Julia. I wonder how many people started blogging     then?
5.I love tea parties! 
6. My favorite colors are green or purple.
7. I don't like mashed potatoes, turnips, or anchovies.


  1. What an absolutely gorgeous pie. I especially love the cherry decoration on top of the pie, so lovely! Not to mention, I adore how you put rum in the pie. Now that's my kind of pie. I'm not a huge pie person but I LOVE LOVE LOVE cherry pie! It reminds me of my grandfather who passed away a year ago, his favorite dessert was cherry pie. :)

    Congrats on receiving the award, how wonderful is that?! You definitely deserve it. And thank you sooo much for giving me the award. You really made my day. Thanks again! :)

  2. Lindsey,
    You are welcome. I love reading your blog!

    My husband made the pie all by himself from scratch. His turned out better than my pumpkin pie, that's why there is no picture of a pumpkin pie!

  3. Yum! This does look super-delicious.

  4. Becky, thank you so much for the award! I'm truly touched.

    That pie looks fantastic and I remain in awe of anyone who can make a pie crust look like THAT.

    However... seriously? You don't like mashed potatoes? How can that be?

  5. I love it, you started after watching Julie & Julia! I saw your pie this morning, but I was on my wait out and couldn't comment, I had it on my mind all day though. If I had to pick a favorite fruit it would be cherries. The crust looks so good.

  6. What a wonderful pie! Look fantastic and so tasty!
    Congrats on the award, you have lovely blog!

  7. Gina- My husband made that pie and I made pumpkin, but his looked better than mine. He cooks and bakes:)

    Sandra- The pie was so good, all gone now.

    Mags- You are welcome. I think that I don't like mashed potatoes, because of the consistency, but I do love the skin of the potato. Go figure!

  8. Hi Becky,

    First of all, your pie looks delicious! I would also like to thank you so much for the award. :)

    It is always a real honor to receive and award from another blogger, so I thank you!

    I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.


  9. Gwen,
    You are welcome for the award. Glad that you got your cast off. I've been on crutches, more times than I want to remember, not fun!

    You and Mr. Bunky have a wonderful holiday season as well.

  10. Thanks so much for the award, I really appreciate it:) That pie is fantastic looking too!

  11. Hi sweet woman! What a beautiful looking pie. I loved how you decorated the top. And cherries and rum will ALWAYS make me smile. This looks great! I loved learning a few more facts about you (I'm against violent and scary movies too!) Thank you so much for sharing! Have a great Thursday.

  12. Monet-My husband made the pie, including the crust. He cooks and BAKES! He's wonderful.
    Happy Thursday to you!

  13. WOW Becky, your husband is just as talented as you!! The pie looks incredible!! And congratulations Mrs Versatile Blogger :)

  14. Kimberly- Thank you for the kind comments:)

  15. Thank for the award. It is an honor coming from a fellow blogger.

    Cherry pie with rum - wow. Sounds terrific.

    PS. Thought I had left a note days ago but I probably left before I hit the "post" button.

  16. Laura- You are welcome and much deserved for the award! The pie is very good.

  17. Becky,
    Thanks so much for the award! Very much appreciated!
    This pie sounds fantastic...cherry pie on it's own is yummy, but with rum, too??? Yes, please!
