
Friday, September 17, 2010

Apple Maple Bacon Cupcakes -A Featured Recipe on Maple Syrup World


I found out today that my Apple Maple Bacon Cupcake is being featured on Maple Syrup World. They have Maple Syrup products and feature recipes using maple syrup. I was very surprised and excited when I received  a comment on  the original post for the Apple Maple Bacon cupcake, asking for permission to feature the recipe on their website.  Because I had modified Garrett's Maple Bacon Cupcake with Maple Frosting, from Vanilla Garlic, I had to get his approval  first, which I got..  Then I received an e-mail from Maple Syrup World, telling me that my recipe was on the website. Yahoo!!! Check it out!

More news! I am doing Taste and Create again this month and my partner is Edana from Yum Food. I haven't decided yet what I'll make, but stay tuned and check back soon.


  1. Congratulations on a feature! These cupcakes are very unique and look absolutely delicious!

  2. Congrats Becky, I'm so excited for you! See blogging is fun!

  3. Natasha and Gina- Thank you for the comments, which inspire me. When I started blogging, I had no idea there was such a network of friendship.
